Today seemed pretty dull compared to how the weather has been. It was pretty windy at times and the clouds were obscuring the sun so for the 1st time, I took a jacket with me.
I headed for the Museo del Traje which is in Moncloa not too far from El Pardo where I am staying. I was there to see the work of Edward Steichen, the celebrity and fashion photographer who worked for Conde Nast from 1923-1937.
The three things that I like about his work are the amount of space that he leaves around the model. This was especially apparent in his earlier work. Even though the work was generally made in the studio, it had a location feel about it with the surroundings contributing a lot to the photographic story. This is something that runs throu
gh my fashion and music pr work.

I also like the way he used a chair so much in his sittings, and the way that he gets everyone to sit/pose with it differently! Some of my favourite works are those of women where only the head in visible in the light, along with some flowers that tend to match in some way part of the clothes that are just in view. This is an effective and sub
tle touch I think.
Incidentally, I was surprised to find out that this was free. A special or touring exhibition is always paid for in the UK. My only grumble though was that the lighting seemed strange. The ambient light was practically nil with small spots for each photo. This meant that when you stepped close to examine it, the image became hidden by your shadow!
The cafe at this place was a grand affair. It was full of semi-pissed arty types clocking off early on Friday. Or maybe they were gonna go back to work. I don't think the Spanish care so much about these things. I was surprised that the bill still gave the amount in Pesetas! I guess some of the art brigade were against the Euro!
So on into town...
I went to the International Cinema that I believed always showed major films in English with Spanish subtitles. I wanted to book for the 1st night of "Che" but it seemed that this was in Spanish. Maybe they never made an English version and it's all in Spanish with English subtitles for that authentic vibe? I dunno! But I do know that I wouldn't understand much if I saw it all in Spanish.
I then remembered where I had seen a decent looking photo store with lots of Kodak and Fuji signs outside. This seemed like a proper place to buy film, not just a tourist gaff. To my surprise they didn't stock 120 roll film. They guy seemed surprised that I asked for it. Surely some people shoot on 120 rolls in Madrid??? Maybe they order it online...
So I headed across the Calle Mayor and up into Malasana. It gets a bit more gritty around here and I stumbled upon some pretty cool buildings...

Just another door but I liked the grills and colour so much...1886!!!

Heading north outta town on the Calle de San Bernardo, things get grittier. This is obviously a poorer barrio, or neighbourhood, and it's the 1st time I feel I have to keep my wits about me more that I usually would. It's the 1st area that I have really seen many North Africans, South Americans and beggars than native Spaniards. Not that I think they are more likely to rob me than anyone else. Nevertheless I like it here. I only took out my back-up camera and ultra wide angle lens today as I couldn't arsed with the weight of the master kit after lugging it around Toledo yesterday but I spotted some good locations to return and shoot.
Here is something interesting that I just stumbled upon. They weren't dead incidentally!..

I liked the textures and colour tones in the building and skip. Oh the glamour of those downtrodden areas!

Another classic old shop front. I went for a shot with people in it. Next time I will go back and shoot it with no one around and with a closer lens.

I got some cheap shit food after this and watched as lots of kids in goth/metal garb came out onto the streets to parade a bit. I was too lazy and not really in the mood to shoot but I might do if I see them again!
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